Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Free Advice to the High School Graduate from Two College Professors

這是我表弟高中畢業時 他的同學父母(在大學當教授)送給大家的建議
我覺得值得大家看看!! 裡面有幾句話還滿有趣的

Free Advice to the High School Graduate from Two College Professors

Having been students for a total of 44 years(between us, not individually!) and having taught for a total of 49 years(again, not individually!), we offer the following observations/suggestions/advice to the soon-to-be college freshman:

1. Go to class.

2. Keep up with assignments.

3. Go to class awake, i.e., sleep at night, not in the presence of a professor.

4. Don't pull all-nighters studying for tests; you won't be able to think the next day, or even wores, you won't wake up for exam.

5. See your professor at the first sign of difficulty, not the last week of the semester/quarter. Actually, see your professors whether you have problems or not. They get lonely during office hours.

6. Take a moderate course load your first semester/quarter. Now, having carefully selected those courses, go to class.

7. Proofread your papers; don't rely on the spell checker. It's as dumb as a post.

8. Make friends with students in your classes and study with them. Of course you have to go to class to meet these people....

9. Eat right. (Important note: Pepperoni pizza and a coke dose not constitute a well-balanced diet, although supreme pizzas with Gaterade could possibly work.)

10. Enjoy your four years of college: no other time in your life will provide as many opportunities for growth in all ways--intellectually, socially, personally, physically, and spiritually.

11. Did we mention that you need to go to class?

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